Publikationen 2004
Aschoff, T.; Thies, M.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Describing Forest Stands Using Terrestrial Laser-Scanning. ISPRS- International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol XXXV, Part B5: 237- 241.
Aschoff, T.; Thies, M.; Winterhalder, D.; Kretschmer, U.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Automatisierte Ableitung von forstlichen Inventurparametern aus terrestrischen Laserscannerdaten. Tagungsband der 24. Wissenschaftlich-Technischen Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft f. Photogrammetrie, Fernerkundung und Geoinformation. 15.- 17. September 2004 in Halle/ Saale: 341- 348.
Aschoff, T.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Algorithms for the Automatic Detection of Trees in Laser-Scanner Data. In: Thies, M.; Koch, B.; Spiecker, H.; Weinacker, H. (eds.): Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment. Proceedings of NATSCAN-Conference on Laser-Scanners for Forest- and Landscape Assessment. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXVI, Part 8/ W2: 66- 70. ISSN 1682-1750.
Duncker, P.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Der Zusammenhang der Druckholzbildung im Stamm von Fichte (Picea abies [L.]Karst.) mit ausgewählten Umweltfaktoren. Deutscher Verband Forstlicher Forschungsanstalten, Sektion Ertragskunde Beiträge zur Jahrestagung 2004. S. 87-96.
Gorte, B.; Winterhalder, D.; 2004. Reconstruction of Laser-Scanned Trees Using Filter Operations in the 3D-Raster Domain. In: Thies, M.; Koch, B.; Spiecker, H.; Weinacker, H. (eds.): Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment. Proceedings of NATSCAN-Conference on Laser-Scanners for Forest- and Landscape Assessment. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXVI, Part 8/ W2: 39-44. ISSN 1682-1750.
Haala, N.; Reulke, R.; Thies, M.; Aschoff, T.; 2004. Combination of Terrestrial Laser Scanning with high Resolution Panoramic Images for Investigations in Forest Applications and Tree Species Recognition. Proceedings of the ISPRS working group V/1, Panoramic Photogrammetry Workshop, Vol XXXIV, Part 5/W16, Dresden, 19-22 Feb
Hansen, J.; Spiecker, H.; Teuffel, K. v. (eds.); 2004. The Question of Conversion of Coniferous Forests. Abstracts of the International Conference 27 September 02 October 2003, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Freiburger Forstliche Forschung, Berichte 47, 2nd revised and advanced edition: 85 pp. Issue47_Content.pdf
Hansen, J.; 2004. Conversion of coniferous forests: Will ecological and economic needs meet? EFI News 12 (1): 3 - 6.
Hansen, J.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Conversion of secondary Norway spruce (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) forests in Europe. In: Stanturf, J.A., Madsen, P. (eds.): Restoration of Boreal and Temperate Forests. CRC Press 339-347.
Hein, S.; Spiecker, H.; Michaut, A.; Danguy des Deserts, D.; 2004. Sciences Forestières: Integrierter Doppeldiplomstudiengang Forstwissenschaft, AFZ-DerWald 17: 2-4 (Langversion); 952 (Kurzversion).
Hein, S.; 2004. Zur Steuerung von Astreinigung und Dickenwachstum bei Esche (Fraxinus excelsior L.) und Bergahorn (Acer pseudoplatanus L.). Freiburger Forstliche Forschung - Schriftenreihe, Freiburg, Band 25: 263 p.
Kahle, H.-P.; Hansen, J.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. A moving target: forest growth in a changing environment - the role of long-term dynamics. In: Towards the Sustainable Use of Europe's Forests - Forest Ecosystem and Landscape Research: Scientific Challenges and Opportunities. Andersson, F., Birot, Y. and Päivinen, R. (eds.). EFI Proceedings 49. European Forets Institute: 31-40. PDF
Kretschmer, U.; Abmayr, T.; Thies, M.; Fröhlich, C.; 2004. Traffic Construction Analysis by Use of Terrestrial Laser Scanning. In: Thies, M.; Koch, B.; Spiecker, H.; Weinacker, H. (eds.): Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment. Proceedings of NATSCAN-Conference on Laser-Scanners for Forest- and Landscape Assessment. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXVI, Part 8/ W2: 232- 236. ISSN 1682-1750.
Musio, M.; Augustin, N.; Kahle, H.-P.; Kaul, A.; Kublin, E.; Unseld, R.; Wilpert, K. v.; 2004.
Predicting magensium concentration in needles of Silver fir and Norway spruce - a case study. Ecological Modelling 179: 307-316. PDF
Pfeifer, N.; Winterhalder, D.; 2004. Modelling of Tree Cross Sections from Terrestrial Laser-Scanning Data with Free-Form Curves. In: Thies, M.; Koch, B.; Spiecker, H.; Weinacker, H. (eds.): Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment. Proceedings of NATSCAN-Conference on Laser-Scanners for Forest- and Landscape Assessment. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXVI, Part 8/ W2: 76- 81. ISSN 1682-1750.
Pfeifer, N.; Gorte, B.; Winterhalder, D.; 2004. Automatic Reconstruction of Single Trees from Terrestrial Laser Scanner Data. ISPRS - International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences. Vol XXXV, Part B5: 114-119.
Schütt, C.; Spiecker, H.; Thies, M.; 2004. Qualitätsbestimmung von Wertholzstämmen. Holzzentralblatt 130. Jg. 46: 595.
Schütt, C.; Aschoff, T.; Kretschmer, U.; Thies, M.; Winterhalder, D.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Approaches for Recognition of Wood Quality of Standing Trees Based on Terrestrial Laserscanner Data. In: Thies, M.; Koch, B.; Spiecker, H.; Weinacker, H. (eds.): Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment. Proceedings of NATSCAN-Conference on Laser-Scanners for Forest- and Landscape Assessment. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXVI, Part 8/ W2: 179- 182. ISSN 1682-1750.
Spiecker, H.; Hansen, J.; Klimo, E.; Skovsgaard, J.P.; Sterba, H.; Teuffel, K. v. (eds.); 2004.
Norway spruce Conversion - Options and Consequences. EFI Research Report 18. Leiden, Boston: S. Brill: 269 pp.
Thies, M.; Pfeifer, N.; Winterhalder, D.; Gorte, B.G.H.; 2004. Three-dimensional reconstruction of stems for assessment of taper, sweep and lean based on laser scanning of standing trees. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 19; (6): 571- 581.
Thies, M.; Koch, B.; Spiecker, H.; Weinacker, H. (eds.); 2004. Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment. Proceedings of NATSCAN-Conference on Laser-Scanners for Forest- and Landscape Assessment. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXVI, Part 8/ W2. 342 S. ISSN 1682-1750.
Thies, M.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Evaluation and Future Prospects of Terrestrial Laser-Scanning for Standardized Forest Inventories. In: Thies, M.; Koch, B.; Spiecker, H.; Weinacker, H. (eds.): Laser-Scanners for Forest and Landscape Assessment. Proceedings of NATSCAN-Conference on Laser-Scanners for Forest- and Landscape Assessment. International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences Vol. XXXVI, Part 8/ W2: 192- 197. ISSN 1682-1750.
Unseld, R.; Kahle, H.P.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Methods to detect large-scale spatial patterns of forest growth and their practical applications. IUFRO-Conference Pinar del Rio/Cuba 21-23.4.2004: SIMFOR 2004 III. Simposio Internacional sobre el Manejo Sostenible de los Recursos Forestales. CD-Publication ISBN 959-16-0261-X Pick It!. PDF
Vanck, T.; Spiecker, H.; 2004. Rekonstruktion der Kronenentwicklung von Mittelwaldbuchen. AFJZ. 175: 182-188