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Welcome to the Webpage of the Chair of Forest Growth and Dendroecology


We investigate growth processes and basic principles for sustainable production of renewable ressources in various land use systems.

We develop methods for the quantitative assessment, analysis and prediction of tree growth.

Topics of research and teaching are closely related. Besides qualification in these research areas we provide cross sectoral competences.


Forest growth and environment 01-forschungsfelder.png

  Forest growth and environment
Research on growth processes related to genetics, site conditions and biotic and abiotic interactions.

Trees as natural resource and carbon storage

  Trees as natural resource and carbon storage
Development of basic principles for sustainable production of natural raw material in various land use systems.

Bäume als Umweltarchive

  Trees as archive of environmental conditions
Reconstruction of climatic and other environmental changes as well as of structures and processes in forest ecosystems.

Methodische Grundlagen der Waldwachstumsforschung

  Methods of forest growth research
Development of methods for quantitative assessment, analysis and prediction of tree growth.
Internationale Netzwerke in der Forschung   International research networks


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