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Trees as natural resource and carbon storage

Development of basic principles for sustainable producing natural raw material in various land use systems.

Current Projects

  • Baubuche : Increase of the proportion of valuable beech wood and optimizing assessment of the quality of living beech trees by terrestrial laser scanning. More
  • KonKlim : Adaptive capacity, growth plasticity and productivity of Norway spruce, silver fir and douglas fir in the context of predicted climatic changes in the Black Forest
  • Lin4Future : Development of planning tools for sustainable management of forests and application of these instruments in a model forest enterprise in China More
  • Chinawald : Research for international sustainable forest management More

Finished Projects

  • SidaTim : Novel Pathways of Biomass Production: Assessing the Potential of Sida hermaphrodita and Valuable Timber Trees
  • Lin4Wood: Innovative technologies for efficient and sustainable production of woody biomass
  • RoK-FOR (“Sustainable forest management providing renewable energy, sustainable construction and bio-based products“)
  • ValWood - innovative sustainable Land Use
  • Branch development and natural pruning of pedunculate oak and European beech in dependency on diameter growth
  • Growth of old European beech stands
  • Controlling the crown development, natural pruning and stem development of oak (Quercus spec.), European beech (Fagus sylvatica (L.)), ash (Fraxinus excelsior (L.)), maple (Acer spec.) and cherry (Prunus avium (L.))
  • The management of valuable broadleaf forests in Europe
  • The effects of accelerated growth on forest management in Europe
  • The basis and development of growth models for the transformation and increase in value of fir, spruce and beech stands
  • Strategy and technology development for a sustainable wood and cork forestry chain (SUBERWOOD)
  • Subsequent inventory of forests at the National Park Berchtesgaden
  • Growth aspects of selective cutting in European beech stands Einzelstammnutzung bei der Buche
  • Controlling the growth of silver fir and Norway spruce by using the relative crown length as a management tool
  • The question of CONversion of pure secondary Norway spruce FORESTs on sites naturally dominated by broadleaves for sustainable fulfilment of society's needs (RPC-CONFOREST)
  • Growth of old European beech stands


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